SCCM Versions
SCCM Versions
Check these sites for a list of build numbers:
Update 160X for System Center Configuration Manager is an update that is available as an in-console for previously installed sites that run version 1511 or 1602. Version 1511 is the initial baseline version you use to install new Configuration Manager sites.
System Center Configuration Manager uses an in-console Updates and Servicing process that makes it easy to discover and install Configuration Manager updates. This means no more service packs or cumulative update versions to track, or searching for the download of the most recent release or updates.
Instead, to update the product to a new version of the current branch you use the Configuration Manager console to find and then Install in-console updates for System Center Configuration Manager. A few times each year new versions release that include product updates. Each release can also introduce new features.
When you install an update with new features you can choose to use (or not use) those features in your deployment. Different update versions are identified by year and month numbers like 1511, which identifies November 2015 (the month when System Center Configuration Manager was first released to manufacturing). Later updates, beginning in 2016, have version names like 1602, which indicates an update that was created in February of 2016.
These update versions are key to understanding the incremental version of your System Center Configuration Manager installation, and what features you might have available to enable in your deployment.
The initial release of System Center Configuration Manager current branch is also referred to as version 1511. Since this initial release additional updates are available. Use the following links to discover what’s new with each version
Once you apply a cumulative update, your SCCM 2012 version on the site server itself will not change. The site server will show the latest major SCCM release (RTM,SP1,R2). However the new SCCM 2012 version numbers will show on your Consoles and Clients.
A simple way to verify the application of CU1 is to snoop the following registry location:Open the ConfigMgr console
1. Browse to Administration > Site Configuration > Sites
2. Right-click on the site you need information for, and selectProperties
3. You’ll find the site version and build number here
Here we can find a Key nameCULevel with a value of the CU applied which will indicate the CU level, in this case CU1.
Once the console has been upgraded you will find that in Programs and Features the console is still listed at5.00.7804.1000 or SP1 prior to CU1.
When checking out ‘About Configuration Manager’ however, you will find that the console version has been incremented to Version 5.0.7804.1202 (SP1 CU1).
Furthermore the file Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe found in the AdminConsole\bin folder will be versioned to 5.0.7804.1202 (SP1 CU1).
Inventory data (software) on this file is going to be a decent indicator of console versioning if using a collection query to upgrade a set of deployed console.
Finally the client is straight forward, once upgraded, the client version will be incremented to 5.00.7804.1202or that of SP1 CU1.
A simple collection query will produce all clients that have not received the update, which you can then use for deployment targeting (taking into account x86, x64).
select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.ClientVersion < “5.00.7804.1202”